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With Twitter’s 206 million monetizable daily active users worldwide, it’s quite logical that as a musician, your presence on the social media network has to be very effective to help you promote your music on Twitter as you can gain listeners out of a fraction of this number. 

A lot of music artists and businesses rely on the social media platform because of its simplicity. Its algorithm is one of the easiest ones to understand and work with and if you know how to play by its easy rules, you can achieve great results when you promote your music on Twitter.

Twitter proves itself as one of the best online marketing tools you can have in your toolbox as it’s very easy to engage directly with your audience and also promote your music. This ease comes at the price of understanding the basics to help you promote your music on Twitter because you need to understand when and how to use it to get the best result from the platform. 

In this article, I’ll discuss 10 tips to help you successfully promote your music on Twitter, increase your listeners and also grow your fanbase. 

Tip #1: Make Yourself Easy To Find

If you want to gain traction and promote your music on Twitter, the very basic step is to make yourself easy to find and be accessible. This means your Twitter handle needs to have your artist name in it so when your fans search for you using the search bar, you pop up first. 

Making yourself easy to find on Twitter makes it easy for your fans from other social media platforms who want to keep in touch with your news and updates, easy to find you through search. 

If your artist name has been used by someone else, you can modify it by adding an underscore to your handle name, or some other symbols that leave your name intact. The goal is to have your artist name on your handle so whenever you’re searched for, your handle pops up at the top of the search list.

You can also copyright your name. This gives you the right to your name as no one can use it on any social media network and you can report any account that uses your name for copyright infringement. This makes your name unique to you and makes it easy for your fans to easily find you. 

Tip #2 Customize And Optimize Your Twitter Profile

To promote your music on Twitter easily and increase your fan base, your Twitter page needs to be consistent and unique with how you represent yourself as a musician on the platform. 

Choose unique visuals for your profile and header images, match your color scheme with what’s on your website, other social media pages, and the music you’re promoting. Also, have a concise but descriptive bio that includes a link to your website. This will make it easy for fans that view your profile to easily click on the link that redirects them to your website to acquire your new music.

Pin important tweets that point at your new music at the top of your profile for easy access. This makes the tweet the first thing that people see when they visit your page in search of important information about your music or your next projects. 

This is a very easy step to promote your music on Twitter. Make sure to do this to make your new music easy to find for people who visit your page in search of your music.

Tip #3 Understand The Ideal Time/Frequency

As easy as it may seem to promote your music on Twitter, there are times that when you tweet, your tweet can reach a larger audience. This is just one step to understanding Twitter’s algorithm and helping you promote your music on Twitter to reach a larger audience at the right time. 

With a little time taken to research this, you can schedule your tweets and promotions for these times when people are more active on the platform and your tweet is sure to reach more Twitter users.

With Sproutsocial’s report on the best time to post on Twitter, you can deduce the best time for you to post and promote your music on Twitter. The goal is to understand Twitter’s algorithm to help your promotions reach a larger audience. 

The report was done on each social platform. The best times to post on each social platform, as well as the overall best and worst days to post, were highlighted. You can use this data to help you schedule your posts.

This helps you work smarter and not make posts when there are fewer people online to engage with your posts.

Tip #4 Tweet More Often

After researching and understanding the best times for you to post and promote your music on Twitter, you should tweet more often within that time frame. 

People like to follow and keep up with artists because they want to know more about you because they find you interesting, because they like your content, or because they like to interact with you. If you do not often tweet, you can’t build a fanbase nor promote your music on Twitter because you aren’t making people interested in your content. You don’t bring them value to keep them coming back to your tweets and page as you don’t tweet often.

To avoid this, make sure you release content on a daily basis, preferably inspirational, interesting, educating, or entertaining content directly or indirectly linked to your art. For example, you can make a tweet on when you decided to leave every other career path to focus and build your music career. This will inspire a lot of people and get a lot of traction for you. 

You can also document and announce to your fans, your new art to be released, or an upcoming show, a previously ended show and how it went, the result of an interview, the result of a just-concluded studio session you had, and how it went.  The more you do this, the more you will find your voice and carve out your audience from the millions of active daily users, thereby, easily helping you to promote your music on Twitter.

Tip #5 Keep It Conversational 

Twitter is much more than writing a 140 character tweet to gloat about your next show and how awesome it’s going to be. Get conversational to help you promote your music on Twitter. Make it feel like you’re talking to your friends and not just “fans”.

Ask questions, generate polls, engage your follower’s posts. This activity alone makes you an active user on Twitter and the algorithm will always suggest you as an active user for new followers to follow. 

Keep it light, keep it fun, and as much as you’re getting conversational, do not overdo it by including your personal information while trying to engage your follower’s posts as this can cause more harm to your goal than good. So be careful while getting conversational and don’t overdo it. Stay relevant.

Tip #6 Get Your Topic Trending

Just as the tip says, trending topics are exactly what they sound like- Trends on Twitter or popular topics. More people will see and engage in trending topics than tweets about other subjects so to promote your music on Twitter and increase your audience, get your topic trending.

When someone clicks on a Twitter trend, they’ll see all of the search results related to that trend, meaning tweets that include the hashtag (#), keywords, or phrases are trending. 

How do you get a topic trending on Twitter? This can be quite tricky as Twitter determines the trending topics by using its algorithm that takes many factors into consideration. This includes the people you follow, where you’re located, and what interests you. However, the main premise is quite straightforward- if you’re talked about by enough people within a short period of time, you have a shot at becoming a trending topic. 

Here are four rules that give you a better chance of getting noticed on Twitter:

  1. Pick the right topic: Not only does your topic need to be interesting and relevant, but you also need to create a catchy, related hashtag you can use in each tweet about that topic. Later, your fanbase can follow in your footsteps and use that same hashtag in their tweets. The hashtag can be used to promote your music on Twitter easily. 
  2. Identify your audience: Twitter is filled with different communities that focus on different niches. For example, there are tech communities, crypto communities, etc on Twitter. You wouldn’t want to target them as your audience. Don’t waste your time tweeting at people who don’t have interests in your music instead, engage people who have tendencies to become potential fans based on their interests.
  3. Tweet often: As said earlier in this article, tweeting often gets you trending as people get to see and hear more about you more often.

Tip #7 Promote Your Tweet

If you want to get more traction on a tweet that helps to promote your music on Twitter, you can boost its potential even further by promoting the tweet. Promoted tweets aren’t different from other tweets except that they’re paid for to be promoted in other regions to expand your reach and engagements. 

This concept is very similar to boosted posts on Facebook. Accessing this type of advertising places your content in a few different locations around the website such as home timelines, related user profiles, and search results for promoted trends. Promoted tweets also appear on the top of related search results. 

Here are the 5 steps to promote your music on Twitter using promoted tweets:

  1. Choose the tweet you want to promote
  2. Click on “Promote this Tweet”
  3. Choose the location you want to target
  4. Set your budget
  5. Confirm

You must also be careful to use this resource rightly as it costs you a buck to promote your music with promoted tweets. Take advantage of available tools to aid you in researching when to promote your tweets and when promoting them will be efficient. 

Tip #8 Be A Part Of The Community To Build Yours 

While building your account, promoting your music, and engaging your audience, it’s important to be a part of a community. This means, follow people who resonate with your niche of music. Being a part of a community will help in building you’re and help to promote your music on Twitter easily.

For example, if you’re an Afrobeat artist, follow afrobeat pioneers and engage their tweets. Be a part of their community to get new fans to be a part of yours. Make sure the people you follow are individuals who share your views in the same niche you’ve chosen for yourself and connect with them in an open dialogue via replying to their tweets or dm-ing them for more in-depth discussions to aid you in learning more about creating better music and also promoting your music. 

To build your community, interact with your followers and fan base. Have a question and answer session. Hold giveaways to your most active followers or your listener of the month etc. this helps to grow your fanbase and also promote your music on Twitter. You don’t have to take the hard route by hiring a professional to help you build your community.

Tip #9 Use Visuals

In this year and age, you must have seen the importance of using visuals to promote your music on any social media platform. Just as tweeting is important to promote your music on Twitter, visuals are equally as important. 

Short videos of your music, anticipation videos, animated videos, images, posters, etc. Either of these can be used to promote your music, promote an upcoming show, etc. 

You can use Canva to create images to promote your music on Twitter. You can also create posters for your shows to be promoted on Twitter easily.

Short videos can be used to make your fans anticipate your next music drop.

Tip #10 Analyze Your Data

Analyzing your data helps you understand what is working and what isn’t. This will help you make better decisions to promote your music on Twitter. If you made a promoted tweet, you can check the tweet’s analytics by clicking on the graph button on the tweet. 

You can also check how well your normal tweets are doing by checking the tweet analytics. This will help you understand what topics got you more engagements. 

Here’s an article with tips for marketing your music.

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