No man is an island on his own, so an artist can’t succeed without these people. As a rising musician with a promising career ahead of you, it is essential to have a group of people at your beck and call to get things done and ensure a proper working relationship is ensued within both parties to make things sail smoothly. Result-driven, passionate individuals are who an independent artist needs on their team.

Be sure to choose partners who are willing to learn and work hard with you before you start your team-building activities. There isn’t a universal rule for when to build a team, but you’ll know when the moment is right. Here, we list the top six individuals an artist needs on their team to succeed.


#1 Personal Manager

The most crucial member an artist needs on their team is the Manager because they are the ones who already have connections with labels, agencies, publicists, and promoters and are experts in the field. Managers are in charge of leading your career and are your right-hand person for everything from brand development to contract negotiations. Your manager should be the first person you add to your team because they will help you develop the overall strategy.

There are a few essential characteristics you need to watch out for whether a manager has approached you or you are hunting for one yourself. Your manager should be completely knowledgeable about the music business, particularly contract and intellectual property law, and have previous experience negotiating deals and obtaining licenses.

The most significant individual in your work life is this one. He or she would assist you in managing your complete team and making sure everyone performs their duties while also assisting you in making decisions that support your brand and creative process. It’s always best if someone knowledgeable in music takes care of this for you, but at first, it might just be a friend or whatever.


#2 Business Manager

Your Personal manager can also handle this role too but if you can afford an extra hand, then why not you’ll need this role to be more active when the bag is getting bigger and for that reason you need to be sure of the person you appoint as your business manager. This person handles the money, you do not want an incompetent person handling your money.

An individual who manages the business, financial, and administrative aspects of the music industry on behalf of musicians and recording artists is known as a music business manager. In addition to managing and handling contract discussions, he or she will also assist in recovering unpaid fees and royalties and advising the artist on how to invest their revenue effectively.

The majority of managers in the music industry hold degrees in business administration, and they should be knowledgeable about tax regulations, investments, accounting, and negotiating. The business manager in this role must juggle a variety of duties, but connecting the artist with the music business is their primary objective.


#3 Music Lawyer

It’s reasonable to say that making friends with a good lawyer is beneficial regardless of your line of work. A lawyer who specializes in entertainment law should at the very least draft and evaluate contracts for you and your new team members. When navigating through any contracts you sign, they serve as both your eyes and your interpreter to make sure your best interests are being served.

Additionally, a lawyer may assist with intellectual property protection and make sure you have received all the income and royalties you are entitled to. Having a lawyer nearby is the greatest approach to calm your anxiety or take action to make things right if you notice anything fishy about your connections with others or the money you’re making.

Due to their frequent industry connections, lawyers can do more for you than merely observe and sign documents for you. They may also help you secure deals with brands and corporations, negotiate conditions on your behalf, and offer advice while negotiating contracts. A music lawyer is who an independent artist needs on their team—not just any type of lawyer—for this reason, among others.


#4 Online/Social Media Manager 

The organic social marketing strategy is brought to life by social media managers, They are imaginative problem-solvers who can remain ahead of the curve, futuristic thinkers, and all-around creative social storytellers. With teams, musicians, and other outside partners, social media managers collaborate on cross-functional social media marketing projects and campaigns. Most importantly, they are skilled at understanding and applying data, such as audience insights, platform trends, content performance standards, social listening, etc., to support strategic decisions for the musician’s career.

This individual is in charge of managing your interactions with the public by putting content strategies into place that maintains the musician’s internet presence at its very best. Due to a lack of resources, this position is sometimes combined with that of a publicist; thus, as it is a very sensitive position, make sure you hire an expert to handle it for you. This individual is also to work closely with an independent artist needs on their team.


#5 Music PR

To organize an event, the music promoter collaborates with a manager of an artist. They decide on a date and start looking for a suitable location. The promoter bargains any fees on behalf of the artist and then advertises the event on radio, television, online, or via email. The music promoter, whom an independent artist needs on their team, sees to it that the performers have all they require both on and offstage, including hotel accommodations and sound checks.

A contract detailing the parameters of the arrangement, including money due to the promoter, the day and time of rehearsals, the duration of the band’s performance, and any other requirements, is normally created by the promoter.

In addition to managing your shows and concerts, it’s crucial to have a promoter take care of your releases, make sure they’re promoted on the appropriate channels, and make sure you get the most out of your promotional budgets. A promoter should be knowledgeable about the industry, keep up with trends, and be able to use his network to get things done as quickly as possible.


#6 Photographer/ Videographer

Pictures and videos are two of the Internet content types that are shared and viewed the most in the modern world. This makes having a photographer or videographer at their side crucial for any aspiring artist. I will add that it’s simple to take excellent images wherever you are thanks to cell phone camera advancements and the availability of photo editors. However, it would be amazing if you could hire a pro photographer. If you don’t take yourself seriously, no one else will either.



These days, it’s already challenging to work as an independent artist. Maintaining a solid staff by your side will be crucial if you want to continually be creative while also supporting your tiny empire.


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